Resource-Scarce Settings



Make OTA the trusted online source for orthopedic communication from pre-medical to post-clinical career including training curriculum, community for practicing surgeons and lifelong learning.  We will leverage partnerships and relationships to promote and thoughtfully organize applicable information across all levels of resource targeting resource-scarce environments.    


Surgeons and trainees in resource-scarce environments resulting from economic, political disaster-related or other reasons.

Current Projects

OTA Fracturebook Cover
Upon the completion of the OTA FractureBook, a section will be dedicated to fracture care in resource-scare settings. (link to be added)
A catalogue of educational content organized by body part to help aid in fracture care. (link to be added)
  • AO Foundation (need link)
  • AO Alliance (need link)
  • IGOT (need full name and link)
  • International Orthopaedic Trauma Association (IOTA)
  • HGOC (need full name and link)
  • HVO (need full name and link)
  • SIGN (need full name and link)
  • OTA FractureBook
  • Femoral Neck Fracture Webinars:
    • HGOC Webinar on Fem Neck fracture Feb (need the full title, link, and date. cost??)
  • Catalog Traveling Opportunities (Not sure what this is - need link)
  • OTA Podcast