The first international resident course is divided into six small discussion groups of approximately 15 resident and two expert faculty surgeons per module. The topics of the modules include diaphyseal, articular, Foot and ankle, pediatrics, geriatrics and pelvis and acetabulum. On each discussion group challenging cases will be presented and participants will have the opportunity to actively discussed the basic principles of fracture management with the guidance of an expert international faculty. Evidence-based lectures covering key information and including selected videos and power point presentations from international faculty are going to be released previous to the course in order to prepare the participants for the case discussions. These lecture can be accessed during a period of four weeks previous to the course and are an essential part of the pre course study guide.
PGY 1-4’s are encouraged to attend, as well as others who may benefit.
$10 USD
Please be aware that we are limiting the registration to 120 total people, 30 people per each country. Registration will close once course reaches maximum capacity. To register, please email Kaiser@ota.org.
learning Objectives
- Understand the basic principles of fracture fixation with the goal to differentiate absolute and relative stability base on different implants and techniques.
- To be able to effectively design a treatment plan based on physical exam, imaging and application of basic concepts of fracture fixation.
- Understand different techniques for reduction and fracture management through an atraumatic surgical technique.
- Understand and effectively plan initial treatment and management of the polytrauma patient.
- Understand how different implants provide different type of stability and its influence on bone healing.
- To be able to apply reduction techniques with special attention to soft tissues.